How Much Does It Cost To Transfer Property Deeds?

How much does it cost to transfer property deeds
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How much does it cost to transfer property deeds

How Much Does It Cost To Transfer Property Deeds?

Property Deeds

Buying a property is a big step. One of the things you might not have considered is how much it costs to transfer property deeds.

 When your solicitor asks you for the deeds, what do they mean? What if I don’t own the deeds myself? And, what if I inherited my house from my parents and they own the land? 

This article will help you answer these questions and more. It will also give you an overview of how much does it cost to transfer property deeds.

What’s A Property Deed?

Let’s start with some terminology. Common terms when discussing property deeds include:

When you buy and transfer a piece of land using an instrument such as a deed, you fill out the brief, separate forms to state the property you want to transfer, who owns it, and when. For this, you need to have signed the appropriate forms.

Before a deed is recorded, the legal process, which costs money, is completed. This needs to be done with the assistance of a surveyor. 

If you don’t hire a surveyor, you might need to pay for it. From their point of view, it’s a cost-saving measure as they only reproduce information on the deeds if they think it is worth it.

Both a deed and survey are legally binding. A deed gives legal title to a piece of land. For instance, transferring any property to your partner.

Selling/Leasing a piece of land is similar to buying. The buyer pays the seller for the right to occupy the land for a specified period.

Can You Provide An Example?



Let’s say you have a property you want to transfer to your aunt and uncle. The cost is £100 but you only intend to live in it with your uncle for about a year.

So the cost is £50. Let’s also assume, no inheritance, and all expenses are covered. Your transaction will be completed on the 15th of the month after your six-month occupancy phase.

Following your purchase of the property, you need to transfer the deeds through the relevant land registry. Where it says, “Withholding of Tenancies” (Behind the deed where the property is located) won’t work.

To start with the large majority of UK land registries, this is the first step towards completing your title. If you’re unsure of time frames or things like having three years to build, that will affect the price of this step.

Most central supply registers charge a fee of £40 to transfer a title. New Land Registry is more expensive but still cheaper than the solicitor’s charge.

Property Deeds

In the US, title insurance is considered a more secure way to transfer title. The cost is based upon the value of the house, property, and the size of your down payment. To buy quickly sell later, the price you pay for the property that you want to sell will be the down payment.

It probably won’t meet your needs and you may think you can get a better deal elsewhere.

Selling quickly after purchase does not make financial sense. And, there’s this myth that for every £1 you spend you earn £2. If we look at the Mirror Online, we can see houses go on the market for about £1,200 less than they are selling for.

So, representing a saving of £2,200. On the face of it, this appears to make sense. But then you have to consider property agents. They charge £1,200 plus commission up to £500! 

If you have 3 properties, you stack the odds. But, is it right? Yes, in theory, but in practice, the pool of candidates is limited to a few agents, aren’t they?




When you sell real estate, you give up all ownership but keep the right to nominate the new owners (or beneficiaries) of that property.

For example, if you sell your family home, you could nominate a family member as the new owner. 

The next-of-kin would receive a deed of trust setting out certain rights in the property. Some examples of valuable deeds of trust are trusts for health care and inheritance rights.

For most people, a deed transfer is easier than buying a second-hand property. When you buy a used property, this will either have a title sale, or the title company will give you the deed to your property. 

A deed transfer takes away all of this hassle of having to deal with property titles.

It is not the property itself that is in need of a title; it is the title that can claim the position of owner.

A title is a legal instrument that owns a property. That’s it. The titleholder gets all of the rights over that property (e.g. making repairs, letting out the property).

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