7 Reasons You Are Not Getting A High Returning Property Listing

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Property Listings (Liverpool)

Charming Location / 4-Bedroom Property in Thorton, Liverpool / £350,000

This detached, single-family four-bedroom home is a new construction Liverpool investment property. It’s placed in the heart of Thorton, famous for its luxury and charm. A fenced-in backyard is nestled on the property to give privacy and safety, including a beautifully maintained garden. This property is ideal for families wanting to enjoy the fresh air and outdoor activities.

Key Features

  1. Four double bedrooms 
  2. Three bathrooms 
  3. Spacious storage 
  4. Open Kitchen floor plan 
  5. Detached garage
liverpool investment property
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Each room is designed in a modern design, from energy-saving LED lighting that pours more light into the room. The spacious minimalist kitchen has ample storage cabinets, including large french doors that take you to an elegant garden. This beautiful new home is in an excellent location for families who enjoy the beach and other adventures.

This property is located at Sundial Place, Hesketh at Lydiate Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23. It is only 18.6 miles from John Lennon Airport and 1 mile from Crosby beach, Liverpool. You can find it here:

Mortgage Breakdown

Price = £350,000

10% Deposit = £35,000

Repayment Term = 25 years

Interest Rate = 2%

Monthly Mortgage fenced-in Payment = £1,335

Contact our property management professionals to start the process of obtaining this property. We’ll advise you on the repayment plans you should use and the deposit amount you should aim to get lower interest rates. For more information, Call Abode Crosby


What key factors to consider when searching for a Thorton Liverpool investment property?

When searching for a property listing in Liverpool, some key factors include location, property type, size, price range, and any specific amenities or features you may be looking for.

How can I find the best deals on a Thorton Liverpool investment property?

Keep an eye on the market and be informed of the current pricing for comparable houses in the region to locate the greatest offers on Liverpool real estate listings. 

You can also consider working with a local real estate agent who knows the market and can help you find listings that match your criteria.

How can I get a good sense of the local community when looking at property listings in Thorton, Liverpool?

To get a good sense of the local community when looking at property listings in Liverpool, you can research online, visit the area, and talk to residents. 

You can also reach out to local real estate agents for more information about the area and read local news and social media to get a sense of the community and its culture.

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